Symbolic Art: Berlin Wall Dominoes Fall (11 pics)

As a symbolic gesture, the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is being celebrated today with Domino Aktion. These 1,000 8-foot tall dominoes will topple along parts of the former Berlin Wall on November 9, 2009 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The dominoes have been painted by schoolchildren and students in Germany and around the world and bear messages of peace and hope. Their aim is to raise awareness of walls around the world that continue to exist.

“The day represents great change, for along with the fall of the Berlin Wall many other walls and barriers fell, not only here,” the organizer of “Domino-Aktion” told the Wall Street Journal.

The first one will be pushed over at the same hour East Germans began hammering on the wall in 1989.

Above photos by Frankinho on Flickr

Above photos by Dominoaktion

It’s just another great example of how art can help make us remember our shared experiences.

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