Surreal Outdoor Art in France

While England has the Olympics, walk along certain streets in France right now and you might just come across some of the strangest, most surreal art you’ve ever seen. Two contemporary art events are concurrently happening, “Estuaire” (estuary of the Loire river) and “Le Voyage a Nantes” (A journey to Nantes). Where else could you happen to come across what remains of a giant ocean snake, a strangely bent boat or a house floating in the river?

Le Voyage a Nantes only happens once every two years and runs this year until August 19th. Turning the city of Nantes “upside down with art,” it asks you to discover and enjoy pieces placed in all sorts of unexpected public spaces.

One of the most interesting works is by Leandro Erlich, the Buenos Aires-based artist who was behind the scaling building illusion and the fantastically fake swimming pool. Called The Furniture Lift – The Ultimate Moving Out, it’s an installation that features a portion of a building facade suspended 30 feet in mid-air.

via [MSN], [Karamba3D], [France]

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