Punny Artist Creates Unexpected Combinations That Weirdly Make a Lot of Sense

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Californian graphic designer Randy Lewis uses Photoshop to combine photos of unexpected objects, creating surreal digital art that tricks the mind and eye. With a playful imagination and a pun-tastic sense of humor, his colorful creations in his This or That series are often literal depictions of words. For example, a “butterfly” with wings made of butter, and a “jelly fish”, where two goldfish seemingly swimming inside molded gelatin. Other images illustrate visual associations, such as a carton of McDonalds fries that are actually yellow crayons, and a sheep with a cauliflower body.

In one case, Lewis managed to make one of his surreal digital creation into a physical reality. An image titled Water melon or … Watermelon? shows two fish swimming inside a water-filled melon. It was made by combining a watermelon rind with two sheets of transparent glass, clamped at either side. But don’t worry, the artist claims “no fishys were harmed.”

If you love Lewis’ work, you can wear the images on t-shirts thanks to his recently launched This or That clothing line. You can also follow the artist on Instagram for a daily dose of mind-boggling imagery.

Graphic designer Randy Lewis uses Photoshop to pair unexpected objects.

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He likes to combine photos for a growing collection of surreal digital art that tricks the eye (and tickles the mind).

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Some images illustrate clever puns.

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Others portray hilarious visual associations.

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In one case, Lewis even managed to make one of his surreal creations a reality.

Randy Lewis: Website | Facebook | Instagram
h/t: [Bored Panda]

All images via Randy Lewis.

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