Gorgeous Watercolors Capture European Architecture in Dreamlike Washes

With fluid washes of watercolor, Sunga Park lends gentle fluidity to stony architecture. Her paintings convey gracefully blurred renditions of landmarks located around France, Croatia, Sweden, Hungary, and other international locales, with each one afforded just enough shape and sharp detail to be recognizable, but otherwise pooled into aqueous abstraction as if melting slowly into the page.

We first discovered her work in 2013, and she has since continued to refine her technique, which requires a careful blend of loose experimentation and practiced precision. Of her methodology, she explains, “My main focus of the works is drawing them with all kinds of my emotions in a slightly different perspective of view.” Her own emotional influences impart ripples felt by viewers: a soft calm in murky browns, a quiet melancholy in thin blues, and an unexpected vibrancy in bursts of bright yellow and gold.

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via [Colossal]

All images via Sunga Park.

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