Stunningly Surreal Self-Portrait by Olga Valeska

Like a beautifully wrapped present, this stunning self-portrait by 21-year-old Olga Valeska got dropped into our inbox today. Where does the dress end and the water begin? The France-based, self-taught fine art photographer amazes us with her skills, not just for taking pictures but for creating them.

“Early on, as a child, I found shelter in my imagination,” she writes. “I started to feel interested in art very quickly, through painting, drawing, writing, sculpting, and making objects and costumes. At the age of 18, I started making some pictures but it was not until the age of 20 that I realized just how fantastic a medium photography was, allowing me to combine all these passions. Indeed, photography is a true form of art.”

Olga Valeska’s website

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