New Yorkers Capture Magnificent Sunset From All Across the City

Last evening, a magnificent sunset took over New York City, painting the city’s famous skyline in a blaze of colors. The glorious display of Mother Nature’s palette was hard to miss, as across the city the setting sun drowned the horizon in a vibrant gradience. From all corners, the sunset presented an energetic array of hues, beckoning all to look up at the sky. New Yorkers were none too shy about capturing the sky’s beauty as they took to social media, sharing their personal view from all across the city.

We have collected some of our favourite pictures that capture the breathtaking scene, awash in fiery oranges and reds, and electrifying blue and purple hues. This brilliant sunset seems almost too beautiful to be real!

Above photo via James and Karla Murray

Photo via @atravelingmind

Photo via @rodrigo_canteras

Photo via @howeverbal

Photo via @wineanthony

Photo via Harris Graber

Photo via Max Rivlin-Nadler

Photo via @aube_linda

Photo via Helen Rosner

Photo via @akatl

Photo via Gary Hershorn

via [Gothamist]

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