Real Dandelions Surround LED Lights in Unique Chandeliers

Studio Drift is a company that brings together nature and technology in unique and unexpected ways. Their works encourage people to notice the little things we often take for granted or just happen to forget about. Fragile Future is a series of specially commissioned chandeliers that are made up of bronze, LED lights and actual dandelions. Real dandelion heads are arranged within a bronze structure that resembles a circuit board. This gives off the illusion that these delicate dandelions are magically floating.

The designers behind this concept are Lonneke Gordijn and Ralph Nauta. The team has created a module system that consists of a visible circuit with three dandelion lights. Now, up to 500 modules can make up one light sculpture.

“Think of the transience of a dandelion – one blow and it has gone,” states Gordijm. “It is a plant familiar to every country and every culture, yet nobody really stops to look at it. Increasingly in our technological world, I wanted to create something that could only be made ??by putting so much time and care into it, something that was not designed to be replaced by something else. The LED light seems a total contradiction, but in fact it is the same size as the normal dandelion voice and matches it perfectly. People said to use real dandelions was not possible and not practical, but the change of context makes people look again and see the plant in all its beauty for the first time.”

Fragile Future has won numerous awards including “Light of the Future” from the German Design Council in 2008 and the first “Artprize” in 2006. Love.

Studio Drift website

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