Cutting Edge Art and Technology Installations at STRP Biennial Defy Boundaries of Space

From March 20 to March 29, Eindhoven in the Netherlands is hosting one of Europe’s most major art and technology events, the STRP Biennial. For 10 days, four large industrial halls are filled with monumental installations, cutting edge music and spectacular performances. This biennial focuses on the omnipresence of screens as it has called upon artists to show works that are digital in nature, and, yet somehow, break through the screen.

Two notable installations are Hakana by French duo Adrien M & Claire B and Parallels by Nonotak. In Japanese, the word ‘hakana’ is used to define the ephemeral, the fragile. In this installation, a single dancer moves within a cloth cube, interacting with the images projected on the walls. The work is a beautiful convergence of dance and visual art. Watch the video below to see it in action.

Parallels is a brand new audio visual installation by Nonotak’s Takami Nakamoto and Noemi Schipfer, commissioned by STRP. “The boundaries and notion of space, become abstract as the audience crosses the room, but in doing so, the audience also affects the space by breaking the light,” explains Nonotak. “This installation is strongly connected to the space in which it takes place; it lives within it. But as soon as the light hits the walls that define the space it reaches its limits and stops reproducing itself.”

Nonotak hopes that the installation gives off the feeling of being “submerged in an morphing architecture.” You can also watch a video of this work, below.

Guillaume Marmin & Frederic Marolleau, HARA, Photo by Hanneke Wetzer

Nonotak, Parallels, Photo by Nonotak

Robert Henke, Destructive Observation Field, Photo by Hanneke Wetzer

Fuse, Ljos, Photo by Fuse

Robert Henke, Lumire II, Photo by Boudewijn Bollmann

Vertical Cinema

Kimchi and Chips, Light Barrier II, Photo by Boudewijn Bollmann

Lemercier & Ginzburg, BLPRNT, Photo by Hanneke Wetzer

STRP Biennial website and Facebook page

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