Striking Poster for Society of Illustrators

Israeli-born illustrator Tomer Hanuka (who you may remember from this post) recently created this striking poster for the Society of Illustrators. It’s to ask illustrators to submit their work for their annual show and book.

Juries will select works that will be shown at the Museum of American Illustration at the Society of Illustrators in New York from January 4 to March 17, 2012. The entire show will be presented in full color in Illustrators 54, “America’s Original Annual of Illustration.” A selection of 40 works will also tour US colleges through June 2013, the 32nd educational traveling exhibition.

“Personally, the Society’s annual book/show has been very effective at getting the work out there, so to end with a word of advice – ENTER,” said Hanuka.

They’re now accepting entries through October 28th, 2011. Go here for more details.

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