Farmers Create Giant Crabs Made of Straw to Spread Awareness About Air Pollution

Sitting in a rice field in Shanghai, three giant crabs made of straw have cropped up overnight. The peculiar display in Chongming county is reportedly an expressive art demonstration that aims to raise environmental awareness. The farmers behind the massive crabs created the structures in order to promote the use of clean energy and increase public understanding about farming practises that pollute the environment.

In some areas throughout China, the acres of paddy straws are burnt after the completion of a harvest season, and some of the ashes are used to fertilize the land.  This act releases large amounts of smoke into the air, contributing to the country’s rampant air pollution problem. The artists behind this project are drawing attention to the problematic practice and calling on local farmers to recycle the straw, finding alternative ways to make use of it, including giant multi-purpose artistic displays that also make for great roadside attractions.

via [Lustik, CCTV]

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