Storytelling Notebook Sketches (13 pieces)

Mexico-born Hugo Lugo takes everything we thought about boring lined paper and turns it upside down (in some cases literally). By combining painting, drawing and photography, he makes us feel as if we’re watching a suspenseful story unfold. While in some cases he takes away from paper with strategically placed cutouts, in still others he adds in items like thread to help tell the story.

While most of his works are on actual notebook paper, Lugo also creates this type of art on canvas using acrylic and oil.

“In broad terms my work elaborates on two main aspects of human nature: the idea of subject as a representation, and representation itself. I’m interested in what can be said at the cross points of disciplinary conventions on drawing, painting and photography. I look between the lines of these formal investigations for the possibility of a content that goes beyond the self-referential, to suggest something more profound, even if its only from a surface.”

Hugo Lugo
via [Booooom]

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