The Story Behind the Half Graffiti Hotel Room

After we saw the incredible photos of the half graffiti hotel room at the Au Vieux Panier hotel in Marseille, France, we knew we had to find out more. We were lucky enough to get in touch with a representative at the hotel named Jessica who was able to enlighten us about their truly unique rooms.

“The concept is six rooms for six artists,” she said. “The idea is to sleep in an artwork. All rooms are changed every year. We just finished Season 3. Our website will be updated on Friday. The way we work is that we launch a call for entries, and then select the most striking and interesting universe.

“The idea is to offer to artists a three-dimensional canvas and, on the other side, give the opportunity to visitors to see art in a different way, entering an artist’s universe. We don’t impose any theme, the artists have ‘carte blanche’ to express their creativity.

“In general, we close the hotel a whole month. It took about a week for Tilt to implement his creation.”

It will cost 135 euros to stay in Tilt’s Panic Room. Aside from the first photos we showed you, taken by Roudet Benjamin, you can see more pictures of it, courtesy of the hotel, along with photos of their other five rooms, below. (Panic Room is still, far and away, my favorite.)

Tilt’s Panic Room

Eugnie Bergeon’s Land Of Moon

Mourad Messoubeur’s Ciel

Mass Confusion’s Purgatory Palace

Matthias Olmeta

Philippe Baudelocque’s Fusion

Au Vieux Panier’s website

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