Photocopied Men Attempt to Break Out of Picture Frames

This clever collection by artist Steven Guermeur playfully challenges the limitations of a conventional picture frame. Entitled Action Against the Frame, the series explores how artwork is traditionally presented to the world and how changes to that approach alter the general feel of the work as well as a viewer’s expectations.

Each piece features a black and white photocopy of the artist attempting to break free from the boundaries of his surrounding wooden edges. The bordering frame, which typically only serves as a container in which the artwork is held, plays an equally key role in the presentation of the individual pieces. Shavings of wood or chips off of the edges suggest that the two-dimensional figure is actually interacting with his surroundings in an effort to escape.

“My work often compiles the rapport between the use of the image, which serves to create poetry among the forms, and the concept, which questions the means of association of the idea to the form,” explains Geurmeur. “I tell stories about the art context and the impossibility to escape from it.”

Steven Guermeur’s website
via [My Amp Goes to 11]

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