Colorful Light Paintings Capture the Energetic Movement of Music

Photographer Stephen Orlando has allowed music-lovers everywhere to see acoustic art in a whole new light–LED lights, actually. Using specific LED lights and a long-exposure technique, each movement the music performers make is captured in a gradient matrix of color. Each of the artist’s eye-catching light paintings tracks a musician’s motion, following their bodies and instruments with spectacular light trails. Since he didn’t alter the final product, onlookers are able to witness the distinct changes that occur over the course of a melodious tune.

While this isn’t Orlando’s first time experimenting with light painting, it is certainly one his most inspired projects. His main muse was Gjon Mili, who worked with both violins and light emissions in 1952. “I’m fascinated with capturing motion through time and space into a single photograph,” Orlando explains on his website. “I’m able to tell the story of movement. This technique reveals beautiful light trails created by paths of familiar objects.” Evidently, this enthusiasm helped the photographer when merging visual and auditory art in a brilliantly unexpected fashion.

Stephen Orlando: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Colossal]

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