Foam Sculptures Playfully Create Candy-Colored Landscapes

The process of creation and change are characteristics emphasized in Dresden-based artist Stephanie Lning’s work. And in her piece titled Schauminsel, we’re witness to how the sculpture gradually takes its form. The artist uses a foam machine connected to different water tanks that feature pigments like blue, red, and yellow. She then uses these two things to produce a large pile of colored foam. We see the machine spit out the suds in a series of rings, and the amorphous shape has the appearance of a fantastical landscape when viewed at certain angles.

Everything, from the mixing console of colors to the machine itself, is controlled by Lning. It’s also a piece that can be reproduced, which is exactly what she’s done since Schauminsel was created in 2012. The foam later appeared in front of a crowd of people in a shopping district, and it occupied a house in 2013. There, Lning playfully concealed the foam machine and tanks near a window so it looked like the building was overflowing with candy-colored lather.

Stephanie Lning website
via [Reckon]

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