Buffalo Couple Takes in 10 South Korean Tourists Stranded During Massive Snowstorm

Buffalo, New York, is amidst a “once in a generation” snowstorm. The severe weather has delivered a massive amount of precipitation and extreme temperatures that have people stranded—including a group of South Korean tourists. Luckily, this pack of 10 people was fortunate to have their van stuck outside the house of Alexander Campagna and his wife, Andrea.

The couple had been planning on spending a quiet holiday weekend at home and had stocked plenty of food in their pantry. So, when they learned of the marooned group, they invited the tourists in and became “accidental innkeepers” while they spent an enjoyable weekend with their guests.

The group of tourists was traveling up the East coast and was en route to Niagra Falls. They had seen the sights in Washington, D.C., and were largely unaware of the impending storm. But the Friday before Christmas, the van was stuck after trying to maneuver the deteriorating road conditions. Two of the passengers knocked on the Campagnas’ door and the couple immediately brought them in, “knowing, as a Buffalonian, this is on another level, the Darth Vader of storms,” Alexander said.

The visitors slept on air mattresses, on couches, in sleeping bags, and in a guest bedroom. Of the visitors, three of them spoke English proficiently. Together, they watched football and shared stories. The guests, surprised and delighted by the Campagnas’ Korean food provisions, created a variety of tasty meals they would make at home.

The travelers appreciated the impromptu hospitality, and it was something neither party will soon forget. “It was kind of like fate,” remarked Yoseb Choi, one of the travelers who was on his honeymoon. Alexander echoed the sentiment, which he refers to as a blessing. “We have enjoyed this so much.” He and Andrea are now planning a visit to South Korea.

h/t: [Reddit]

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