Amazing Pixelated Structure Composed of Perfectly Arranged Cubes

Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto was recently commissioned by Paris-based art gallery Philippe Gravier to produce this beautifully innovative installation for the FIAC art fair in Paris’ Jardins des Tuileries. The project, entitled Many Small Cubes, is composed of stacks of variously sized aluminum cubes that appear precariously balanced in a visually exciting formation.

Some of the cubes serve as homes for trees while others simply teeter on edges or hang suspended in mid-air. Piled high and towering towards the sky, the space offers visitors a pixelated structure in tangible form. People are invited to walk through the open area in the center and explore the unusual surroundings.

“The architecture forms one unified element whose balance and stability are carefully designed: the position of each cube and each tree participates to the overall stability, yet reaching a random-like feeling, bringing the whole architecture closer to nature,” explained Fujimoto.

Sou Fujimoto Architects website
Galerie Philippe Gravier website
via [JedaVu], [Designboom]

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