Striking Animal Portraits Playfully Interact with the Paris Landscape

Known simply as Sophie, the French photographer combines her skill in the subject with street art by placing realistic and large-scale animal portraits around Paris. Creatures like elephants, alligators, and flamingos are seen on the walls of buildings and perfectly integrated within their urban environment. Sometimes, Sophie will arrange them so that they playfully interact with the architecture, such as the owl who appears to be resting on a cable, or the giraffe that looks like its head is sticking out of a doorway.

Sophie’s handiwork is intended to fuse art and everyday life. She surprises the passerby with these unexpected portraits, and their amusing placement brightens a boring commute. The animals could also serve as a reminder for people to pay more attention to their surroundings so that they won’t miss something as special as Sophie’s installations.

Sophie website
via [Skumar’s]

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