Mythical Dragon Loops Around Shanghai River

Symbolizing power and strength, the mythical dragon holds a sacred place in the hearts of the Chinese. To honor this ancient tradition, Bulgarian architecture firm Sonik Module conceptualized this spectacular 60-story-high structure that loops over a manmade river and new park in Shanghai.

With various intersections to enter the building, visitors could travel there using a series of roads, vessels traversing the river, and a subway line. Inside, there will be elevators and walkways transporting people around. The slithering structure is designed to be used for mixed-use occupation, with residential space co-existing alongside office space.

Sity is a conceptual design entry in the Re-Thinking Shanghai 2012 competition. The goal was to design a visionary proposal for a sustainable architectural intervention along the Suzhou Creek in Shanghai.

Sonik Module website

via [Yanko Design], [Gizmag]

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