Artist Visualizes the Lengthy “Terms of Service” Agreements of Popular Social Media Apps

Social Media Policy Art by Dima Yarovinsky

You may have noticed a recent upsurge in social media policy changes as a result of newly introduced data protection regulations. And while many of us feel it’s important to know how our online information is being used, it’s unlikely that every social media user actually spends the time needed to read every word of the small print in an app’s terms and conditions. Designer Dima Yarovinsky visualizes these lengthy (and often overwhelming) “terms of service” agreements from popular social apps—including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Tinder—in his project, titled I Agree.

Designed as part of an infographics course in Bezalel Academy for Art and Design, Yarovinsky printed out the terms using a standard legal contract font size and typeface on rolls of colored A4 paper. When hung in the gallery space, viewers can appreciate the staggering amount of information—some of the contracts are so long that they spread from the wall onto the floor.

At the end of each sheet of paper, the artist details the amount of words on the contract and the time it would take the average person to read it. For the 17,161-word Instagram policy (the longest of all), the artist estimates it would take 86 minutes to read it in its entirety. Yarovinsky explains, “My main goal was to emphasize how small, helpless and harmful are we against this giant corporates.”

Follow Yarovinsky on Twitter for updates on where the show will be exhibited.

Designer Dima Yarovinsky visualizes lengthy “terms of service” agreements from popular social apps—including Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Tinder—in his project, titled I Agree.

Social Media Policy Art by Dima Yarovinsky

The artist printed out the terms using a standard legal contract font size and typeface on rolls of colored A4 paper.

Social Media Policy Art by Dima Yarovinsky

When hung in the gallery space, viewers can appreciate the staggering amount of information.

Social Media Policy Art by Dima Yarovinsky

Some of the contracts are so long that they spread from the wall onto the floor.

Social Media Policy Art by Dima Yarovinsky

At the end of each sheet of paper, the artist details the amount of words on the contract and the time it would take the average person to read it.

Social Media Policy Art by Dima YarovinskySocial Media Policy Art by Dima YarovinskyDima Yarovinsky: Twitter
h/t: [Twister Sifter]

All images via Dima Yarovinsky.

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