Hilarious Images of Rockstars Whose Guitars Have Been Replaced with Giant Slugs

Slug Solos is everything we never knew we wanted: a Tumblr blog that uses Photoshop magic to replace the guitars of musicians with giant slugs as they rock out in the middle of their solos. Curated by Glasgow-based writer Michael M (@michaelmphysics), the self-described “esoteric blog” has proven a hit with its bizarre, humorous images of guitarists holding slugs mid-riff.

“Some guitarists’ solo faces look like they’ve just realised they’re holding giant slug creatures,” the blog’s description reads. The faces of famous rockstars like Prince, James Hetfield, Jimi Hendrix, and Dave Grohl reflect the passion that they feel for their music–but unexpectedly, these expressions somehow translate perfectly to the looks of surprise or revulsion that anyone would make if they discovered their guitar had been swapped with a slimy slug.

For any fans of music, guitarists, slugs, or quirky hilarity, be sure to follow Slug Solos on Tumblr for more funny images.

Slug Solos: Website
via [Laughing Squid]

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