Slinkachu’s New Miniature Scenes From Around the Globe

Slinkachu is a master of the miniature world and he has been at it again with his recent show at Andipa Gallery in London. In conjunction with his book, Global Model Village, the installation with the same name featured what the artist described as “the common denominators of humankind, the dramas of hope and tragedy, loneliness and humor amongst the millions living in the metropolis.” Slinkachu used a touch of humor to tell many powerful stories from around the globe.

Just like in all of Slinkachu’s work, each scene, up close, looks like it could be an everyday kind of photograph. However, as he inches away and includes the backdrop of the surroundings, his miniature little worlds are just specks of activity happening in a much larger universe. With lots of patience and a great eye for tiny details, Slinkachu creates simple snapshots of static images that have many layers of meaning behind them.

Often, Slinkachu focuses on concepts of adventures, escape, and of taking a journey. If you like his work, you may enjoy his other work that narrows in on these concepts, here and here.

Slinkachu’s blog
Andipa Gallery website

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