Here at theMET, we’re constantly looking for ways to make this site simpler. Instead of adding every feature available, we carefully choose the features we think might best fit this community. As we grow and branch out, I want you to know that we’ll always keep simplicity in mind. With that being said, here’s an excerpt from a Harvard article titled, Selling Simplicity – Not Just Marketing It, that conveys this message in a succinct way. “The reality is that simplicity is highly appealing in a world that is getting more and more complex – where consumers have too many choices, where technology is constantly evolving, and where the political and economic environment is unpredictable. In the midst of all this instability and change, people want to get back to basics. They want uncomplicated products, straightforward guidance, and things that work quickly and simply the first time, without lots of extra effort. “What is interesting about this phenomenon is that it is in sharp contrast with the thinking of the past few years – which was that consumers wanted unlimited choice so that they could customize their products and services to fit their own unique needs and lifestyles. As such, technology companies pushed for more and more bells and whistles, while other firms drove towards mass customization. The result was a huge array of choices that became almost overwhelming and costly. “It’s easy to create slogans and marketing materials about simplicity. The challenge is to truly make things easier for the customer so that simplicity becomes a competitive advantage.” What are your thought on simplicity? What can we do or not do to make your experience here more fruitful? Photo credit