Tiny Terrarium Jewelry Encapsulates Pieces of Nature Into Fantasy-Inspired Arrangements

Terrariums add a beautiful touch of green to any previously-drab room, and artist Toñi Rielvez translates this aspect into wearable designs that elegantly encapsulate pieces of the natural world. Her terrarium-style necklaces, rings, and bracelets turn ordinary outfits into stylish, quirky ensembles by placing real dried flowers, moss, and gemstones into half-dome enclosures attached to bronze and silver finishings.

Rielvez is trained as a technical illustrator, and she first created jewelry as a solution for a creative block. Once she started, however, she couldn’t stop. Now, it’s turned into her passion and preferred form of expression. “Much of what inspires my work has to do with magic and fantasy,” she explains, “who lives in the deep of dark woods from fairy tales, fairies, witches and mermaids live a bit on each piece or design what I do.”

Rielvez’s exquisite works are sold in her Etsy shop, Siamesa.

Siamesa Project: Website | Facebook | Etsy
via [My Modern Met Selects]

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