Tiny Oyster Pearls Are Intricately Carved into Wearable Skull Sculptures

Japanese artist Shinji Nakaba transforms elegant oyster pearls into intricately carved anatomical forms. His wearable sculptures come in many different shapes and sizes, but the jeweler’s most unique pieces are carved into the shape of human and animal skulls. These newly formed pearls are turned intriguing rings, distinctive necklaces, and eye-catching brooches. No matter the size or species they reflect, they’re incredibly detailed and expertly showcases the beauty of organic skeletal forms. Since the sculptor uses dainty pearls as his medium, this helps to emphasize the fact that human and animals are, essentially, walking forms of art.

Even though Nakaba has been making jewelry since 1974, he’s still able to come up with fresh ideas. “I use not only precious metals and stones but also something usual, such as aluminum beer can or plastic bottle, or even some discarded materials,” the carver explains. “[To] bring out their hidden talents and beauty, [so they can be] re-born as Treasure.” With this creative philosophy, Nakaba demonstrates an incredible amount of respect for his pearlescent materials. This is made all the more evident through each ornately crafted sculpture he carves.

Shinji Nakaba: Website | Shop | Etsy 
via [Colossal]  

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