Student Tells People They’re Beautiful and Films Their Emotional Reactions

As we admire all the beauty around us that this world has to offer, we often forget one very important fact: we are each a part of that beauty. Yes, there are stupendous works of art, breathtaking landscapes, and architectural wonders, but we’re also unique, complex beings who carry an array of meaningful stories with us. We’re essentially walking, talking works of art–which is what 18-year-old student Shea Glover aimed to demonstrate with her latest project.

Glover began her independent venture by inviting her Chicago high school’s teachers and students to pose for portraits. She mentioned that she knew some of them, but others were total strangers. As her subjects stood before the camera, Glover documented their candid reactions when she told them the purpose of her project: “I’m taking pictures of things I find beautiful.” This one sentence had a profound impact. Many smiled and gushed, “Thank you!” A few acted shy and quickly covered their face. One or two got angry and wouldn’t believe Glover. No matter what, each of her subjects had an emotional reaction and all it took was those eight simple words.

Scroll down to see Glover’s video in full. And remember: you are beautiful.

Shea Glover: YouTube | Instagram | Tumblr
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