Playful Illustrations Make It Easy to Learn Chinese

If you ever wanted to learn Chinese but never thought you could do it, here is a great opportunity! London-based entrepreneur and author ShaoLan Hsueh is developing a book, Chineasy, that makes it rather simple to learn basic Chinese words and phrases.

The visual system uses playful illustrations to help people understand and read the language very quickly. It works by transforming written characters into memorable associations that convey the meaning of words through shapes and colors formed around central black lines.

With more than 20,000 characters, Chinese can be an overwhelming language to learn. ShaoLan explains, “My methodology breaks down several thousand characters to identify the fundamental element behind each character. I have combined that with a set of beautiful graphics that allow people to recognize patterns and therefore the meaning of symbols very quickly.” The project was funded through a Kickstarter campaign and it continues to grow with great success.

Chineasy website
ShaoLan Hsueh’s website
via [Lost at E Minor], [Wired]

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