Seth Globepainter’s Murals of Children Immersed in Colorful Galaxies

Julien Seth Malland’s murals revive crumbling walls with vibrant images of children immersed in galaxies of color. The Paris-based artist, who also goes by the pseudonym Seth Globepainter, adds depth to flat, brick-and-plaster walls with a palette of vibrant hues that seem inspired by a crayon box. These rainbow splashes are contrasted by plain drawings of children that look like they could have been sketched with a pencil. The murals are both playful and thoughtful, inspiring an introspective mood. We are left to imagine what the children are contemplating, or what they’re seeing through the enchanting portals.

Although Globepainter’s murals share the rainbow bands as a common element, the way they’re incorporated into the pieces varies because he employs patterns to function in different ways. Sometimes the circular rainbow appears as a portal that the children look through. In other landscapes, it forms a sunset-like horizon or a draping tapestry.

Seth Globepainter’s website
via [This is Colossal]

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