Second Languages Spoken by Countries Around the World

most spoken language in the world

Do you know what your country or region’s second language is? And if so, do you know how to speak it? The website is a resource for people who want to move abroad, and they recently released this fascinating infographic that shows the popular second tongue of every region around the world.

Some places, like Canada’s knowledge of the French language, are fairly predictable. Others might surprise you, and this graphic gives an overall idea of the world’s history from the past hundreds of years and whose influence traveled where. We also learn that English is the most popular second language to know, followed by French, Russian, and then Spanish.

So, if you’re looking to take a vacation or make a long-distance move, this illustrative map is your guide to what language a country’s residents are likely the most familiar with. Maybe it’s one that you know, too.

What’s your country’s other tongue? This infographic will tell you the second most spoken language in the world.

languages of the worldlanguages of the worldmost spoken languagesmost spoken language in the worldmost spoken language in the worldmost spoken language in the world second world countriesmost spoken language in the worldmost spoken language in the website
via [L’Acte Gratuit and Business Insider]

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