Colorful Photo Series Reveals the One-Of-A-Kind Floor Patterns of Venice

You may think you have to go to a gallery or museum to find beautiful artwork, but that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, all you have to do is look down and you’ll find a unique masterpiece right under your feet. In fact, artist Sebastian Erras has made a habit of looking down on the floor mosaics all over Paris for inspiration. To continue the work he did in Paris, he collaborated with Pixartprinting to also capture Venice’s most intricately designed floors. Erras traveled around the Italian city and photographed floors displaying vivid colors, geometric patterns, emblematic details, and an array of one-of-a-kind designs.

After his eye-opening, Venetian Floors trip came to a close, the artist concluded, “My downward-oriented walk around Venice left me with many other images, beyond the luxurious floors. The pigeons rushing on the ‘masegni’ (blocks of local grey slate), the ‘baute’ (traditional masks used for secret missions) scattered by a seller on the floor, the algae at the edges of the canals… All a swirl of images I would have never noticed if I had kept my nose stuck up in the air.”

Erras shares a map of his Venetian journey on Pixartprinting.

A shop in the San Marco neighborhood

Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista

Palazzo Grassi

Caff Florian

Teatro La Fenice

Laboratorio Orsoni

Negozio Olivetti in Piazza San Marco

Alliance Franaise di Venezia

Sestiere di San Marco

Palazzo Pisani Moretta

Sestiere Santa Croce

Teatro La Fenice

Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista

Sestiere di San Marco

Galleria Giorgio Franchetti ala Ca’ d’Oro

Alliance Franaise di Venezia

Ca’ Sagredo Hotel

Libreria Marciana

Sestiere di San Marco

Alliance Franaise di Venezia

Galleria Giorgio Franchetti ala Ca’ d’Oro

Palazzo Pisani Moretta

Sebastian Erras: Website | Instagram
Pixartprinting: Website | Facebook
via [Fubiz]

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