Vibrant Photos of Beautifully Diverse Floor Patterns From Around the World

Enchanting art is more ubiquitous than we tend to realize, and photographer Sebastian Erras is on a continuous mission to capture the elaborate craft that’s just beneath our toes. In an ongoing collaborative photo series with Pixartprinting, Erras has traveled to cities around the world to snap shots of the embellished floors we walk all over on a daily basis, from richly toned tiles in Barcelona to intricate mosaics in Venice. After returning from a recent trip to London, he spent the past several weeks back in the city where the whole project started: Paris.

Though we’ve already ogled hundreds of his images of the chic City of Light’s underfoot masterpieces, the French floor work continues to fascinate with its multicolored intricacy and elegance. On L’Avenue d’Italie, a vibrant floral motif swirls across a bold black background, while on Rue Choron, a careful coordination of striped black-and-white tiles causes an optical illusion of multidimensionality. Whether geometric or romantic, whether fanciful or modern, the kaleidoscopic designs are dazzling reminders of the creativity we can find in our everyday surroundings, if we only take a moment to look down.

Now, Erras is off to Spain for a vacation, and we’re eager to see what decorative ground he stumbles upon next. You can follow along on Instagram as he goes sightseeing, strolls, and stops to shoot the colorful designs below.

Avenue d’Italie

Rue Louis Philippe

Cours de Vincennes

La Coupole Paris – Boulevard du Montparnasse

Paris Céleste – Rue Choron

Rue de Castiglione

31 Rue Daru

Cours de Vincennes

Here are a few more shots from Erras’ last trip to London, too:

Bloomsburry Coffee House

Tate Britain Museum


Lima Floral Restaurant

The Bank of England


The Peasant

Royal College of Art

The Drift

The Warrington Hotel

Sebastian Erras: Website | Instagram
Pixartprinting: Website | Facebook

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