Monkeys and Kittens Combine to Form Adorable "Mittens"

Seoul-based artist and photographer Sarah DeRemer playfully combines different species of animals to form unique hybrid creatures. Using photos of cuddly kittens and adorable monkeys, she seamlessly fuses the two in a series called Mittens (monkey kittens). The results are fantastical and natural-looking portraits of something that we’ve never seen before.

If you weren’t ever told that these cute creatures didn’t exist, then you might not ever realize it. DeRemer shows off her skills by expertly blending the colors and fur from both animals so that there’s no indication of where the kitten ends and the monkey begins. Although we know these combinations are fake, she’s able to trick us, if only for a second, into thinking that they’re real!

DeRemer writes to her Facebook fans, “Since it’s getting cold out, I made you all some Mittens!” Of course, she means her well-crafted animals, but looking at their sweet faces will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, too.

Sarah DeRemer Facebook page
via [Trend Hunter]

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