SF Bay Area Beautifully Blanketed in Fog

While heavy fog can be a major nuisance, making it nearly impossible to drive, for a photographer it can be a godsend, like nature’s perfect gift. Terence Chang, who you may remember from those long exposure shots of planes taking off, has worked his magic again. This time he shows us parts of San Francisco and Sausalito beautifully blanketed in fog.

When I asked Chang why he enjoys taking photos of fog, here is what he told me. “Photographing fog transforms it in unpredictable ways. It shows the fog flowing in waves and currents, partially burying hills and towers with new ‘ground.’ After shooting and reframing enough times, some shots turn out particularly evocative. Sometimes they just happen to resonate with how I am feeling that day, or they come out otherworldly or dreamy. During processing, I get a chance to make the image ‘speak’ for me by bringing out the qualities that I like.

“Being above fog clouds and able to watch them interact with the San Francisco Bay is a rare and beautiful sight. The scene shifts minute by minute, and is never the same twice.”

Terence Chang’s website and Flickr page

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