Safari Leader’s Amazing Expeditions (22 photos)

If you’ve ever thought about taking a photographic African safari expedition, this post will convince you. Based in Durban, South Africa, Met member Marius Coetzee just shared with us his first-hand African wildlife photos. As a professional safari expedition leader for almost 11 years, he’s traveled to some of Africa’s wildest and most scenic national parks and reserves. Interestingly, Coetzee is also an award-winning wildlife photographer. As he tell us, “I started photography almost 4 years ago to record what I see and it just took off from there!” He’s traveled to African countries we could only dream of visiting like Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, and Uganda. In December, he will even lead a photographic expedition to Rwanda in search of the highly endangered mountain gorilla and will spend time in the world famous Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater. Coetzee believes that an African safari is “a life changing experience, to see and hopefully photograph Africa’s famous Big 5 – lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino. It’s a must-do for anyone who is into photography, art and living life to the fullest.”

To see more of Coetzee’s work, visit his blog, website or Facebook page.

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