Illuminated Lamps Cascade Up a Huge Swiss Pine Tree

Norwegian born Rune Guneriussen is back with a new site-specific work that one can actually experience in person. Normally, Guneriussen is the only one to witness his magical landscapes, filled with everything from lamps and globes to telephones and chairs. After weeks of preparation, the conceptual artist usually shoots his stunning scenes alone and we’re all left with only photographs as visual evidence that the installation actually happened.

After seven days of intense work, including some death-defying ladder climbing, Guneriussen’s latest piece is ready for its audience at the St. Moritz Art Masters in Switzerland. Opening August 24, together with an exhibition of nine of his photos at Hotel Waldhaus-Sils, the installation, called Swarms of Infectious Gestures, consists of lamps and cables suspended high on a Swiss pine tree. The lovely lamps don’t just cascade up the tree, however, they also assemble in small patches on the ground, creating an ethereal and almost otherworldly effect.

The temporary installation, measuring a gargantuan h:15m x w:20m x l:50m, will be illuminated on select evenings. More information can be found, here.

Below are some impressive making-of pics.

St. Mortiz Art Masters website

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