Beautiful Three-Part Mural Covers a Five-Story Berlin Building

In his largest mural to date, street artist Rone painted this unbelievable five-story mural on the side of a residential building in Berlin, Germany. It took the Melbourne-based artist five days, working methodically around the windows and balconies of the building to create these three photo-realistic images of model Teresa Oman. The wall, which was curated by the Strychinin Gallery as part of Project M, is conveniently located at Nollendorfplatz right next to a train line so residents can see the incredible work of art on their daily commute.

Interested in the relationship between beauty and decay, Rone is known for depicting glamorous women on rough or crumbling surfaces. While these portraits appear perfectly detailed from a distance, a closer look reveals stylistic marks of deterioration and wear.

Rone’s website
via [Juxtapoz]

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