Co-Living Company Lets You Sign a Lease to Live All Around the World

When you work from your laptop, the world is your oyster (as long as that oyster has a steady internet connection). However, the life of a digital nomad does have its complications, such as constantly re-adjusting to different cultures and different people and finding new locations to live in, all while maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines.The company Roam Co-Living is aiming to address some of these issues with their network of communal spaces that offer an alternative for the location-independent worker.

Founder Bruna Haid has designed a lease that allows you to continually travel the world, from Madrid to Miami and Bali. The company combines the appealing nomadic lifestyle with community ideals, allowing residents to have their own bathroom and bedroom with access to a shared space where they can meet and create with other like-minded travelers. “If you go from location to location, it always takes a couple of weeks to feel at home,” he says. “That’s something that we want to make sure is done in a very short time frame. You can literally show up in Bali and you live with people who have been there for a long time, means you have everything you need to navigate the local community, to know what’s where, what can I connect to.”

The novel concept is still a little on the pricy end— $500 to rent a room for a week or $1,800 a month—but is most definitely an exciting trend for the future of digital nomadism. Haid reports that it is designed for anyone and everyone. With 8 to 10 locations (with each one able to host dozens of people) estimated by 2017, he is slowly but surely building a collection of miniature international hubs around the world. Currently, the company is seeking to expand to Buenos Aires and London, though Haid dreams of one day creating a communal space in every major city around the world.

Roam Co-Living: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Co.Exist]

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