Vibrant Watercolor Paintings Celebrate the Small Details Found in Nature

Artist Marisa Redondo (aka River Luna) pays homage to the beauty of nature in her vibrant watercolor paintings. Filling the canvases with bursts of color and ornate patterning, her works are inspired by what she sees around her Northern California home. It wasn’t until moving there that Redondo really got to experience the charm of the outdoors, as she grew up in a city and wasn’t surrounded by vast, open space.

Now that she’s able to easily explore nature, Redondo is fascinated by the Earth’s creations and the “little pieces of life that often go unnoticed,” like the fine lines of feathers and the spores of dandelions. These details make their way into her paintings, adding definition to large, more simple shapes. Together, they create jubilant compositions that celebrate just how inspiring our world really is.

Check out Redondo’s Etsy shop for prints and greeting cards of her work.

River Luna: Website | Etsy | Instagram
via [Lustik]

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