Artist Playfully Holds Cut Paper Silhouettes Against Towering Monuments to Bring Them to Life

Cut paper artist Rich McCor (aka @paperboyo) creates small silhouetted shapes and brings them to life by holding them against European monuments. He positions simple cut outs at the perfect angle, making it appear as though buildings, statues, and fountains are directly interacting with his work. McCor then snaps a photo to capture the whimsical scene.

The playful project started when McCor decided to be a tourist in his own city–London. He wanted to explore the landmarks and history he had previously ignored, so he began researching for compelling facts and brainstorming how to photograph the locale in an original way. McCor’s first photo transformed the Big Ben Tower into a wrist watch. While he was there, others nearby took interest in his work, which encouraged him to build on the idea.

Since taking his first photograph, McCor has applied the same playful treatment to many sites in London. And thanks to a commission from Lonely Planet, he’s created similar cut outs for monuments in Stockholm, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Paris, captioning each image with random facts about the respective landmark. McCor’s series is ongoing, so be sure to follow along on Instagram.

Above: Big Ben, London

Arc de Triomphe, Paris

Af Chapman, Stockholm

London Eye, London

Montmatre, Paris

Niels Juel, Denmark

Somerset House, London

The Little Mermaid, Copenhagen

Maritime Museum, Amsterdam

Tower Bridge, London

Trafalgar Square, London

Rich McCor: Instagram
via [Bored Panda]

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