Bring Your Broken Electronics to a “Repair Cafe” To Save Money and the Environment

Bring Your Broken Electronics to a “Repair Cafe” to Save Money and the Environment

Photo: WAVEBREAKMEDIA/Depositphotos

Microwaves, power drills, and TV remotes are all things that seem to break at the worst possible moments. Although manufacturers prefer that consumers merely replace their items, repairing them could save landfill build-up. While repairs at a standard store might be as expensive as replacing the item, innovative pop-up “repair cafes” around the world offer a cost-effective alternative to waste. One repair cafe in Amsterdam is a prime example of how collective repair efforts can be both cost-saving and community-building.

Every Wednesday afternoon in the De Meervaart neighborhood of Amsterdam, locals flock to a cafe with broken electronics in hand. Once there, skilled mechanics and engineers assist in the repairs, teaching as they work. “About 80% of the things people bring in we manage to fix. That’s very satisfying for clients but also for us as mechanics,” Edward Tonino, one of the fixers, said. This cafe location serves working-class clients, so any product’s resuscitation saves them valuable resources. However, fixers comment that it seems to empower people to go home and tinker with their own products, too.

The Amsterdam cafe is one of a global network of Repair Cafes. Those interested in the concept can look up locations or can even start their own. For example, there are many locations in New York’s Hudson Valley. Most cafes prefer that clients call ahead of time to verify that their object indeed is the sort the cafe can repair. This way, the owner will also be able to purchase any parts that may be required ahead of time. Once at the cafe, taking the time to learn and asking questions is encouraged. While not everything can be fixed, everyone can do their part in the repair effort and save money and the environment in the process.

Repair cafes are spreading around the world, creative spaces where people can gather to draw on others’ knowledge and tools to repair electronics.

From bikes to electronics, community repair endeavors can save money and the environment.

Repair Cafe: Website | Instagram | Facebook
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