Creative Parents Stage Dinosaur Toy Scenes, Convince Kids They’re Alive at Night

Each year, writer Refe Tuma and his wife turn the month of November into Dinovember–thirty days of their children’s plastic dinosaur toys coming to life at night and doing as they please, or at least that’s what the creative couple tells their tiny tots. Each night when the Tuma kids go to bed, their parents create a new scene involving the dino figurines.

All for the sake of really selling it to their kids that these normally inanimate objects are enlivened at night, the couple takes creative liberty in ransacking their own kitchen, teepeeing the bathroom, and spray painting graffiti on the walls. They even went so far as to destroy a dear possession, leading their daughters to exclaim, “Mom’s favorite vase!” upon the discovery of the toys surrounding the shattered object.

Though it must be a fun activity, one has to wonder why the couple does this. Tuma explains, “In the age of iPads and Netflix, we don’t want our kids to lose their sense of wonder and imagination. In a time when the answers to all the world’s questions are a web-search away, we want our kids to experience a little mystery. All it takes is some time and energy, creativity, and a few plastic dinosaurs. Childhood is fleeting, so let’s make sure it’s fun while it lasts.”

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via [Medium]

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