Redesigning BP’s Logo (14 pieces)

The BP oil spill started 44 days ago and is now considered the largest offshore spill in U.S. history. As we become increasingly irate, we take a look at a collection of new logos that seem to fit the mantra of the greedy oil company better.

These new logos were all submitted to Greenpeace UK, in protest of their investment in the Alberta tar sands. “A few years ago, BP rebranded themselves as ‘beyond petroleum.’ And yet BP wants to invest billions of pounds into the Canadian tar sands – the dirtiest oil there is. They are threatening the Canadian wilderness, indigenous people, and the climate at precisely the time we should be cutting carbon emissions.”

“The winning logo will be used by us in innovative and exciting ways as part of our international campaign against the oil company.” If you are interested in creating a new logo for BP, you can enter the competition, here.

Greenpeace UK website

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