Redesigning Boring Boarding Passes

What do you see in your daily life that you wish you could redesign? Is it a receipt, a street sign or perhaps a boarding pass? Well, if you’re like most people you just shrug your shoulders and look away. Unless you’re Tyler Thompson, a Creative Director at Squarespace. Sick and tired of seeing “shittily designed things,” Tyler redesigned the boarding pass. On day, he just took out his Moleskin and started sketching away… Of course, the best thing about this project is that when you go onto, you can read about what others think. From encouraging words like “A great example to show that less is more in a user-centered design” to interesting suggestions, “one thought i had was how cool it’d be if the map of the US you have in the last example was actually a map of where you were flying to/from w/ arrows or dotted lines connecting the various cities,” you get a sense that a lot of people share his frustration. And if anything, what’s more comforting than knowing you’re not alone? Via Max Wanger

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