Man Hides Marriage Proposal in 148 Photos He Takes of Girlfriend Over 5 Months

Ray Smith wanted to make his hidden intention very clear when he decided to propose to girlfriend Claire Bramley. After finding out that she was pregnant, Smith told his love that he wanted to document the baby’s growth in photos. Bramley was none the wiser when her boyfriend stealthily inserted “Will you marry me?” signs into 148 of their photos over the course of five months. To make sure that his impending proposal stayed secret–even when his girlfriend asked to see the photos–Smith had to take one snapshot with the message and one without each time. “I had no clue, I was totally oblivious to it all,” Bramley told Metro.

Smith then elected to make this past Christmas one they’d never forget. “It was all a bit chaotic on Christmas Day morning so I took her away and set it all up on the laptop,” he revealed. “I got down on one knee and gave her a bit of spiel, and then popped the question.” As for Bramley, she immediately answered with a resounding “Yes!” after being blown away by Smith’s five-month project. “I didn’t need to think about it,” stated the bride-to-be. “I got a bit emotional, but I am pregnant after all.”

To see the proposal in its entirety, check out the video below.

via [Metro]

All images via Ray Smith.

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