100 Photos Merge to Form Swirling 360-Degree Landscapes

In his Alternative Perspectives series, photographer and filmmaker Randy Scott Slavin creates surreal images of the world around him. He has figured out ways to distort a normal landscape into a magnificent swirl of circular patterns. The foundation of the landscape is always visible but he takes up to one hundred pictures to build the final, distorted scenes.

As the patterns shift and merge together, I am somewhat reminded of looking through a kaleidoscope. When speaking about his photography, Slavin states, “I developed a technique that could realize my desire to turn the real into the surreal. The result is something rebellious, beautiful, and provocative. My Alternate Perspectives series is a collection of the works culled from these photographic explorations.”

I love the mystery involved in each scene. The viewer can find intrigue not only in the final product, but also in the process itself. Slavin takes the everyday landscape and turns it into a magical experience.

Randy Scott Slavin’s website
via [The Telegraph]

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