Mind-Boggling 3D Drawings on Flat Sheets of Paper

The illusionary work of Dutch artist Ramon Bruin, aka JJK Airbrush, will leave you wondering what’s real and what’s just a clever illustration. The artist’s skilled hand crafts imaginary three-dimensional worlds on two-dimensional platforms adorned with props like pencils and other art supplies used to create each image. Although, it can be confusing at times to decipher whether the props themselves are drawings.

The Netherlands-based artist’s anamorphic illustrations brilliantly play with perspective. Bruin also adds a touch of whimsy and humor to his creations that aids in their believability while providing an entertaining image. His expert level of understanding of the various mediums he works with (pencil, watercolor, acrylics, and oils) is his secret for now, though. When asked by a fellow deviantART user to share some of his techniques, Bruin replied, “Perhaps I share some later. Right now I’m focussing on mesmerizing you all.”

JJK Airbrush: Website | Facebook
via [farewell kingdom]

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