Young People Swap Clothes with Their Older Relatives

Chinese mother and daughter

Photographer Qozop photographs pairs of relatives in a series titled Spring-Autumn that juxtaposes an image of a youth and his/her family member from an older generation in their normal attire with a portrait of the two after they’ve swapped clothes. The series reveals a sense of cultural identity and generational gaps, as seen through contemporary and traditional fashion.

The first image (on the left) presents an ordinary portrait in which each member is comfortably adorned in their typical style of clothing; whereas, the second image (on the right) puts each person in the other’s shoes… literally. Qozop says, “It was easy to get the kids to agree to be photographed, the older folks required a little coaxing… but once they have been photographed, they were often curious and amused to see themselves in their son’s or grandson’s attire – some were so comfortable in their new getup that they joked that they wanted to remain in that attire for the rest of the day!’

Malay grandfather and boy

Indian grandma and granddaughter

Chinese grandfather and grandson

Malay mother and daughter

Indian grandfather and grandson

Chinese grandmother and granddaughter

Qozop website
via [designboom]

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