China Employs Professional Panda Huggers for $32,000 a Year

Just when we thought that the best job in the world involved cuddling baby goats, we find out that being a “professional panda hugger” is a viable career choice. As of right now, China’s Giant Panda Protection and Research Centre has a spot available and the job description states: “Your work has only one mission: spending 365 days with the pandas and sharing in their joys and sorrows.” In other words, this job will pay you $32,000 (or 22,388) a year to cuddle with, feed, clean, and play with adorable baby pandas.

To land this incredible job, you must be at least 22 years old, have a basic knowledge of pandas, be able to write, and know how to take pictures. Job recruiter Ye Mingxin explains, “You need perseverance for this job. We expect that the applicants will be mainly white-collar workers from big cities. They are used to eating whatever they want, but inside the giant panda base, the choices will not be plentiful.” Despite these qualifications, employees will receive free meals, accommodation, and be able to use the organization’s car.

If this sounds like a dream job, you have until July 15th to apply for the position at Shanghai, Chengdu, and Guangzhou will also be hosting recruiting drives.

Above photo via Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock

Photo via Hung Chung Chih/Shutterstock

via [Bored PandaBright Side, China Daily]

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