Norwegian Park Allows Visitors to Play with Wolves Under the Northern Lights

Norway’s Polar Park allows visitors to get up close and personal with majestic wolves, who you’d ordinarily expect to be enclosed behind a fence. For their Howl Night, guests can spend the night amongst these mysterious animals as they howl beneath the moon (and even the Northern Lights). People can observe the wolves’ habits, cuddle with them, and see them as they’ve never seen them before–all in a safe environment and without fear.

In the wild, wolves are inherently afraid of humans and this can cause them to lash out when they’re stressed. As for Polar Park’s animals, they were raised to enjoy the company of others and feel calm around humans. Visitors are welcome to use this rare, up-close setting as an opportunity to learn more about the welfare of these gorgeous creatures.

Polar Park: Website 
via [Lost At E Minor]

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