Artist Links Thousands of Paperclips to Form Sculptures

While most people use paperclips in an office to hold documents together, Italian artist Pietro D’Angelo uses the tiny metallic fasteners to create figurative sculptures. Originally, the artist worked with conventional sculpting materials (marble and clay) but eventually transitioned into his current medium of choice to skillfully display both objects and the human form.

D’Angelo utilizes the malleable material’s flexibility while managing to often retain its unique shape and signature pattern. He cleverly links the paperclips to one another tightly or loosely, depending on the form and material he is simulating. In one piece, the artist is even able to comically mimic a stream of urine with a chain of paperclips. There is clearly a skilled understanding of the medium through experience that allows D’Angelo to manipulate them so well.

A selection of D’Angelo’s sculptures are currently on display at Ermanno Tedeschi Gallery in Rome through July 26, 2013.

Pietro D’Angelo website
Pietro D’Angelo on Facebook
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